What are Yeri Bridgett & Co.’s hours of operations?
For general client discovery and onboarding calls as well as meetings, the hours of operations are from 4:30 PM - 9:30 PM Central Standard Time. We are closed Saturday and Sundays and all major US holidays.
Regarding the manner in which projects are to be performed and the specific hours to be worked shall be determined by Yeri Bridgett & Co. The Client will rely on Yeri Bridgett & Co. to work as many hours as may be reasonably necessary to fulfill project deliverables.
How quickly will my project be started and/or completed?
Scheduling in advance will allow us to reserve time for you and make your project a top priority. This will be based on current work and/or the number of clients. Projects that have an unusually quick turnaround or that require work outside of our normal business days, such as weekends or holidays are subject to an additional fee.
Do you do custom jobs?
We offer customized packages as well as consulting and coaching for different types of problems our clients are trying to solve. Our main expertise is understanding the problem, finding a solution, creating a plan of execution, and either helping to coach the client through it or implement it for you. Contact us via email at hello@yeribridgett.com.