I’m Yeri Bridgett.

My love for efficiency started when I was very young. In high school, they called me The Planner because every school dance/event I was equipped with a brand new notebook, a vision, and a plan.

Owner | Yeri Bridgett & Co.

I was the one who organized and planned our group’s activities. I enjoyed figuring out what needed to happen first, next, and last and how we were going to do it - the process. From what deadlines we needed to meet, how would we collect deposits, information, and overall logistics. I enjoyed hearing the needs of the group and figuring out how to meet them and solve any problems that arose.

Which is why it made sense for me to become an Industrial Engineer — helping to understand and optimize complex processes and procedures. I spent almost a decade working in manufacturing doing this very thing of improving workflows through data analysis, observation, and talking to those closest to the process. I focused on understanding how processes worked in order to see where possible improvements could be made.

I eventually left corporate America to explore entrepreneurship and the startup world. I began studying User Experience Design because I wanted to see other ways I could help solve problems using data and empathy.

During this time I started my business as a virtual assistant to entrepreneurs and small business owners; offering all and any skill I could to help improve their day-to-day operations. While they focused on their customers, I focused on their back-end and quickly began to see my clients had a huge need for process improvement. Just as a large manufacturing company strives to save money and time by improving its processes and procedures; my clients could benefit from the same.

Understanding how to first empathize with my clients, hear their frustrations and pain points, and offer solutions is how I came full circle in offering workflow optimization services. 

​How I Can Help You

Do you have an established business but cannot increase your client base because you're handling everything manually and spending more time on your business than in it?​ As your workflow optimizer, I can help you improve your current processes and implement new systems that make it easy to stay organized, know what is happening on a daily basis, and never miss important deadlines.

Are you just starting your business and don't know what to do first? I will walk through the phases of getting your business off the ground and what processes and tools you need to run your business.

Perhaps, you are missing potential leads or not getting back with a proposal, which ultimately stops your business from growing? If it is unorganized and full of unread emails and unwanted spam can make it even harder to receive the important information that keeps your business running. I can clean-up and organize your email to achieve inbox zero.

If anyone of these sounds like you; I would love to talk with you!